
  • Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
    Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, Graduated April 2013
    Courses Include: Parallel Processing, Internet Programming, Security, User Interface Design, Computer Graphics, and Operating Systems

Professional Experience

  • Software Engineer, Google (August 2016–Present)
    • Android team providing 1P Google apps with sharing contact suggestions and autocomplete.
  • Software Developer, Parlant Technology Inc. (May 2012–December 2014) / Blackboard Inc. (January 2015–August 2016)
    • Create and maintain internal website to manage and compile more than 1000 iOS and Android applications.
    • Develop ParentLink iOS and Android mobile apps used by more than 100,000 users per day.
    • Add features to ParentLink app, including community stream, app setup wizard, and school finder.
    • Acquired by Blackboard in late 2014.
