I’m so happy that the world has become so much more understanding and loving of those with differences in sexuality or gender identity. There’s still a long way to go, but I hope messages like this one continue to impact the world. It’s important to know that there are people who are different than you, but that must not disqualify them from your love or respect.

There are many LGBT individuals who desire to maintain their deeply held religious convictions, but the world is pressuring them to leave them behind. They say we need to “be true to ourselves.” I hope these people are coming from a place of love and support, so they will not be offended when I say that we are staying true to ourselves. Our religious beliefs are just as deep in our souls as our sexuality or identity. They are just as important to us, or more. We are trying to respect your choices to pursue happiness in whatever way you can, and only ask that you afford us the same honor. Let us live our religion as we see fit.